miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2017

How it works?

Hydroelectric plants capture the energy that this water transports with the aim of transforming it into electricity. A turbine converts the kinetic energy of the water that is moving, in mechanics and, finally, the generator is responsible for transforming it from the turbine into electrical energy for the consumption of the population, either in homes or in small, medium or large Business.

Resultado de imagen de parts of a center hydroelectric

 Most hydroelectric power stations depend on a dam that holds water, creating a large reserve. Often, this reserve is used as a recreational lake, such as Lake Roosevelt at the Grand Coulee Dam in Washington State.                                                                  

When the doors open gravity pushes the water through the gate, a pipe that leads to the turbine. Water accumulates tension as it passes through the pipeline.

The water hits and rotates the large blades of a turbine, which is attached to the generator above it, by means of an axle. The most common type of turbine for hydroelectric power plants is known as "Francis Turbine", which looks like a giant disk with curved blades.    

Inside the generator there is a series of magnets, which help the turbine blades turn. The giant magnets due to copper turbines, producing an alternating current (AC) by the movement of electrons.  

The transformer that is inside the power plant takes the alternating current and converts it into high voltage current.

From each power plant come four cables responsible for transmitting the electricity generated.

The water that has been used and carried through all the pipes returns to flow into the torrent of the river.      

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